Matt Barber hat gesagt: // Matt Barber wrote:

> So in order to have my students understand [qlist] and its files, they
> have found it very useful to know about the message system in message
> boxes... it makes the message system in Pd on the whole a lot more
> understandable and less confusing, and it seems to be less confusing
> the earlier you introduce it to them.

And then later if you can make your students understand, that even the text in
object boxes is a message to an internal receiver, they will have an easier time
when they want to do some dynamic patching.

I think, a style guide should take care not to over-regulate things.

For example I'd rather start with making people properly left-align their
patches and avoid crossing patch cords and use [trigger]s everywhere - this is
very important to make patches readable and maintainable and generally learn to
"think in Pd". 

But if at the end of an object tree there is a [s foo] or a [; foo $1( is not
that important IMHO.  People will get tired of typing lots of $-variables on
their own.

Nobody uses [; foo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9( anyway when a simple [s foo] is


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