On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 10:36 +0100, João Pais wrote:
> [I couldn't find August Black's mail, so I sent this to the list]
> Hi,
> I was looking for readanysf~, and found your site. Unfortunately I
> couldn't built it myself, the make instructions didn't work, and these
> libraries don't exist for jaunty. Do you have a package with a jaunty
> binary?

Since it is dependent on gavl and gmerlin-avdecoder, one would also have
to maintain packages of those before it makes sense to package
[readanysf~] as a deb package. This would be a lot of work. But yeah, I
agree that probably many would benefit from it. (whispering to myself:
One more reason to learn how to package stuff in debian)

> Don't you want to add readanysf to pd-extendend? It would be used by many
> more people.

>From what I know, gavl and gmerlin-avdecoder haven't been ported to
windows, so windows users wouldn't benefit from [readanysf~] being part
of Pd-extended. Ideally, every patch created on Pd-extended would work
on every Pd-extended installation and including [readanysf~] would break
that. But that is only my humble opinion. (However, it's already the
case with pdp and probably more).

I've been compiling [readanysf~] a few times recently on fresh ubuntu
9.10 installations and I ran as well into troubles. And there also was a
thread recently about readanysf-compilation.  Here a few things I found
that haven't been mentioned before and that are useful to remember when
it comes to [readanysf~] installation:

 * Make sure you don't have packages installed, that conflict with your
compiled versions of gmerlin-avdecoder and gavl. To be on the safe side,
remove every package with 'gavl' and 'gmerlin' in the name. 

 * Having certain headers not installed makes even the creation of the
configure scripts for gmerlin-avdecoder and gavl fail. It's probably
easier to just first install some libraries with their headers before
trying to configure/compile gavl and gmerlin-avdecoder.

 * Stick strictly to the instructions from the README of readanysf~.

That is how it worked for me last time (on a ubuntu 9.10 base

1. Install some libraries (I decided those, which seemed useful for
[readanysf~], probably not all are required for gmerlin-avdecoder
$ sudo aptitude install libavcodec-dev libpostproc-dev libswscale-dev
libavformat-dev libfaac-dev libfaad-dev libflac-dev libschroedinger-dev
libspeex-dev liba52-dev libdca-dev libmpcdec-dev libcdio-dev
2. compile and install gavl and gmerlin-avdecoder (in this order)
according to the README shipped with readanysf~.

3. compile and install [readanysf~] according to the README

Please report back, if and what kind of troubles you still face, so that
we can improve that little how-to.


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