
> Well, if you use [tabread4~] or any of the many other Pd objects
> that use the same broken interpolation algorithm
> (copy/paste programming),

Broken? What's wrong in the tabread4~ interpolation? (note this is not a sarchastical question implying there's nothing wrong in it, it's a genuine question in order to learn what's wrong in it)
Is it a bug?

Claude wrote:
> If you use [tabread4] to interpolate graphical
> parameters for animations, the discontinuities in the derivatives are
> really obvious.
> But IMHO if you're doing piecewise cubic interpolation, it's a bit
> of a nonsense to have a cubic that goes through all 4 points when
> it's only being used between the inner-most 2 points

Well using 4 points to interpolate the curve that goes between the two inner points should guarantee the absence of discontinuities in the first (and second?) derivative; that should be the purpose. Now if there actually are discontinuities then there must be some trivial error in the equation, no????

Or am I missing something???

Matteo Sisti Sette

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