On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 17:53 +0200, colet.patr...@free.fr wrote:
> >> Matteo Sisti Sette a écrit :
> >>> Frank wrote:
> >>> > It's not so much the tool, as it is the skills that makes music
> >>> > sound good.
> >>> That is true for really good tools. Needless to say that Pd is one of 
> >>> them.
> sorry, I might going to be rude,
>  but I've never heard some music completely made with PureData that really 
> sound good.
> they are alway little experiments, or false reproductions of things we know 
> and without the sound.
>  like last time someone posted something that sounded like 'psychic warriors 
> of gaia', but honnestly i'd prefer the original.
> The skill to make music with pd is about rewriting everything, at the end 
> it's not really the skill of a musician,
> for example in concrete music, who is the musician, Pierre Schaeffer, or 
> Pierre Henry?
>  Pierre Schaeffer has demonstrated that he is a very skilled music scientist, 
> but he didn't even made a shit that we could hear like a composition.

While I fully disagree with you in all you've said and I know it's silly
to talk about someones taste, this sentence:

> pd is just a tool for learning dsp, there is no such project that show how pd 
> is cool to make people moving on the dance floor.

is entirely untrue.


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