On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 12:54 -0400, Martin Eckart wrote:

> There's a file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/reduzierer-rdz-pd-extra
> +deps-lucid.list whose contents are:
> ---
> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/reduzierer/rdz-pd-extra+deps/ubuntu lucid
> main
> ---
> I assume Lucid just organizes sources.list a little differently than
> previous versions.  The other PPAs I have are handled the same way.
> Curiously, in synaptic when sorting by Origin, your ppa is the only one
> that isn't in the list.  This smells like a small quirky bug and my best
> guesses at the moment are that either apt doesn't really like the '+'
> character in the PPA name or my version of Lucid doesn't think your PPA
> contains any packages for 64 bit lucid.

Ah, I guess you did:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:reduzierer/rdz-pd-extra+deps

which also here added a file to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, and also here,
it didn't work. It only worked after putting the the appropriate line to
the main /etc/apt/sources.list. Now that you're saying that it works for
other PPAs, it really smells like some '+' issue. Don't know why I have
put the '+' into the PPA's name in the first place. I think it's rather
not related to your system being amd64. Anyway, thanks for reporting.

> This was one of the easiest compiling experiences I've ever had in
> ubuntu.  Following the pd-extended instructions and grabbing your
> gmerlin .debs everything came together automatically into a nice
> little .deb.



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