Hi all

Thanks to IOhannes for providing a fix so quickly.

For those already added the rdz ppa, please perform an 'aptitude update
&& aptitude upgrade' and check, if nunchuk works correctly now.

On Wed, 2010-05-12 at 10:45 +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> i would very much like to integrate all the changes into a single
> object, rather than having 3 or 4 objects named "wiimote" around, all of
> them trying to fix the same problems.

I agree very much. Can we agree, that this single object shall be
hardware/wiimote ? I picked it, because I personally was interested in
having MotionPlus support, but of course, everyone involved should be
able to comment on it.

> i don't have so much hardware to test it, though i tried my best to add
> support for motionplus, classic, nunchuk (with the unfortunate spelling
> error) and balance.

Nice. I'll happily test the classic controller. I didn't know that it
was supposed to be supported (It wasn't when I tested the last time,
which was ages ago, with Mike Wozniewski's version).

> the only thing i never managed to work out was the speaker...

P.S.: from the svn log:

"r13512: fixed typo when registering nunchuck"

sweet.... ;-)
I checked the wiimote.c and there it's spelled correctly everywhere.

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