On 09 Jul 2010, at 21:12, pd-list-requ...@iem.at wrote:
> Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 19:05:53 +0200
> From: Dan Wilcox <danomat...@gmail.com>
> 2 things:
> - the "snd_pcm_open (output): Device or resource busy" issue is, as Iohannes 
> said, due to the -nogui bug. Put a delay on your "dsp 1" message. I use 100 
> ms.

yeah, fixed that, thanks!

> - the crackles are probably coming from dropouts due to pd not running in 
> realtime. Try this and use alsa: 
> http://puredata.info/docs/tutorials/HowToRunPDWithRealtimePriorityInUbuntu . 
> I have not problem on a slow machine using alsa and -rt without Jack.

ok, did all that - now i think it worked because with the -rt flag the gui was 
extremely slow, but the messages to the console were 'proirity scheduling 6' 
and 'priority scheduling 8', not the 98 i was expecting.

in any case, sound output (full of clicks) is exactly the same running -rt as 
running without.

the only way i was able to get something that even vaguely resembled what i was 
expecting was by using the -blocksize argument to set a blocksize of around 
16384 or more frames... but even then it was still full of clicks, it just 
didn't sound so stupid.


damian stewart . @damiannz .  dam...@frey.co.nz
frey . contemporary art . http://www.frey.co.nz

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