Am 14.07.2010 um 19:25 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:
> On 2010-07-14 19:21, Max wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> in a Gem patch i use pix_motionblur and pix_buffer and after some time with 
>> the pix_motionblur added i can't get rid of it any more. Setting the blur to 
>> 0 to the right inlet or switching the motionblur off by sending a 0 to the 
>> left inlet doesn't take the blur away any more. only re-loading the videos 
>> to the buffer makes the image unblurred again.
>> It seems like pix_motionblur alters the images which are stored in the 
>> buffer.
>> Sorry i can't provide a simple patch demonstrating the problem right now, 
>> but maybe even this rudimentary description is enough to give me a clue what 
>> the reason for this behavior could be.
> yes, Gem does most of it's operations "in-place", thus modifying the
> incoming image rather than generating a copy. this is all for cache reasons.
> if it's important for you to preserve the original image, use
> [pix_separator] to force making a copy before mixing the pixes.

when i place pix_separator in between pix_buffer_read and pix_motionblur it 
eats a lot of cpu, but there is no more motionblur. if i place it anywhere else 
in the gem chain there is motionblur, but then it doesn't go away any more when 
set to 0. i'll try to come up with a patch to demonstrate the problem.

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