With Firmata, you should either get a 1/0 with a digital input or a range between 0-1 for an analog value.


On Aug 17, 2010, at 9:51 AM, João de Brito Rocha Reis Vidigal wrote:

As it is coming from the arduino firmata, the only way I know is that the signal inputs a bang. So I'll have 2 bangs being hit with a delay between them. this delay depends on the speed of the body crossing the sensors and its size! calling them bang1 and bang2, if the order is bang1 then bang2 = coming in, if it is bang2 then bang1 it means coming out. the thing is I think I have to pair the hits to set an order and I just don't know how to pair them and read it to then bang an "in" or an "out".

On 17 Aug 2010, at 14:29, Andrew Faraday wrote:

what form is this coming into pd in?

If it's a list (such as (door_crossing in) or (door_crossing out))

then you could parse it down with routes

[route door_crossing] (removes the first item in the list, if it's door_crossing)
[sel in out] (the first two inlets will be a bang if it's in or out respectively)

Not sure how else you might be getting the data into pd

> From: jbvidi...@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:45:53 +0100
> To: pd-list@iem.at
> Subject: [PD] Bang order entry
> Hi again.
> Here goes another problem!
> Ok. So I'm working with Arduino firmata here...
> To expose to problem in a simple way, I have 2 sensors that are detecting a door crossing. > The 2 detectors give an order to the door crossing: coming in or going out. > Now I just don't know how I can translate that to bang 2 different [bang( depending on if someone's comming in or going out!
> Can you help me with that!?
> Thanks
> Joao Vidigal
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