On Wed, 9 Mar 2011, Chris McCormick wrote:

"PS: the [delwrite~] clear method is still assigned to 'nobody', because it's waiting for any of the five project admins to click on a button..." It implies that the application of the [delwrite~] clear method patch has been too slow for your liking, which implies that the five project admins should have found the application of the [delwrite~] clear method more important than whatever it is they have been doing which isn't clicking that button.

Ok, you are all too determined to see something wrong in whatever I say about the admins. I'm really sorry I spent lots of time trying to answer this last mail in detail. I just deleted a dozen paragraphs that I spent plenty of time on, being puzzled, thinking about, and thinking that it might matter at all. I'm not gonna say how long I spent on it or your other mails because it's embarrassingly too much.

| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC
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