2011/5/13 Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca>

> On Thu, 12 May 2011, András Murányi wrote:
>  They run on the Mac, however I have no clue if they do on the iPad.
>> Actually, I'd be interested to learn about the differences between a Mac and
>> the iPad... it's a whole new issue for me. Also, is it possible to
>> (re)compile them on the iPad?
> iPad is a lot more like iPhone in that it runs iOS. But then, many things
> that work on OSX also work on iOS. For example, I tried porting to iOS some
> OSX code that uses kernel headers such as <mach/whatever.h>. It mostly
> worked.

Yeah, I took a look and saw it runs iOS. Kinda shocking for me...!
Fortunately i'm not the type of guy who buys iAnything but if I was, I
surely wouldn't have noticed the 'trick' before.
So it's a big telephone without the ability to make calls. Wow.

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