2011/7/12 Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>

> On Jul 11, 2011, at 6:09 PM, András Murányi wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 23:50, Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>>> --- On Mon, 7/11/11, Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at> wrote:
>>>  From: Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>
>>>> Subject: implementing tooltips WAS: [PD] Pd-extended 0.43 updates: lots
>>>> of new editing features
>>>> To: "Jonathan Wilkes" <jancs...@yahoo.com>
>>>> Cc: "Martin Peach" <martin.pe...@sympatico.ca>, "Mathieu Bouchard" <
>>>> ma...@artengine.ca>, "pd-list" <pd-list@iem.at>
>>>> Date: Monday, July 11, 2011, 11:18 PM
>>>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 3:58 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>>>>> --- On Mon, 7/11/11, Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  From: Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [PD] Pd-extended 0.43 updates: lots
>>>>> of new editing features
>>>>> To: "Martin Peach" <martin.pe...@sympatico.ca>
>>>>>> Cc: "pd-list" <pd-list@iem.at>
>>>>>> Date: Monday, July 11, 2011, 7:45 PM
>>>>>> On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Martin Peach
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2011-07-11 12:06, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>>>>>>>> But I'm not sure where to store the
>>>>>>> tooltip
>>>>>  string...
>>>>>>> Not sure if that's what you mean, but in max
>>>>>> the
>>>>> assist method receives a number corresponding to
>>>>> the inlet
>>>>> or outlet and returns a pointer to the appropriate
>>>>> string,
>>>>> so the string is already stored somewhere in the
>>>>> memory
>>>>> allocated to the object.
>>>>>> Not necessarily : the assist-method could be
>>>>> storing the
>>>>>  data anywhere, or generating it on-the-fly from
>>>>> whatever.
>>>>> Hm...
>>>>> 1 when creating an xlet for the first time, bind its
>>>> tag on <Enter> and <Leave> to call
>>>> pdtk_tooltips, and send $canvas, $inletno and $object_name
>>>> as arguments
>>>>> 2 in tcl, search helppath for $object_name-help.pd,
>>>> then parse it for $inletno (which I added as a pd META tag
>>>> for every internal help patch-- plus lots of externals,
>>>> too)
>>>>> 3 filter the matching line in tcl to display
>>>> everything after $inletno minus the semicolon. (I.e., "text
>>>> 20 20 INLET_0 float symbol bang;" becomes "float symbol
>>>> bang")
>>>>> 4 create that text on a little tooltip rectangle on
>>>> $canvas; delete it on <Leave>
>>>>> All you add on the pd side is a sys_gui call to create
>>>> the binding, then handle everything else on the tcl side.
>>>>> Does that make sense?  If so, then once someone
>>>> gets it working (maybe me), you'd not only have tooltips,
>>>> but you'd have tooltip content for over 1000 object classes
>>>> (minus exceptions like "list split", and variable/rightmost
>>>> inlets which I'm not sure how to handle...)
>>>>> Also doesn't address tooltips for abstractions.
>>>>> -Jonathan
>>>> I like this idea quite a bit.  If the tooltip info is
>>>> stored in a help patch, then we have a single way of
>>>> specifying the tooltip info regardless if the object was
>>>> written in C, Pd, Lua, etc.  The downside will be a lot
>>>> more file parsing on load.  Perhaps we can do some kind
>>>> of low priority thread kind of thing in Tcl to do that
>>>> loading.
>>>> One detail, instead of searching the path for the help
>>>> patch, really we should try to get the full path of the
>>>> object in question, then use that to get the help patch...
>>> Ok.
>>> Is c_helpname guaranteed to be inside c_externdir?
>> I can't remember ever using c_helpname, so I can't really say.
>> IMHO, I don't think we should support other ways of specifying the help
>> file.  There are very few objects that use it, those are fixed in
>> Pd-extended, it'll add a lot to the work of doing this, etc. etc.  So I say
>> just take the object name and add the '-help' to it.  That covers 99.5% of
>> objects.  Then once its working, it should be possible to go back and add
>> hacks to support hacks ;)
>> .hc
> Am I getting right, that this logic could be applied to abstraction xlets
> too? How cool...
> I don't know much about the new help file system, but I know it's well
> thought out, so I'm just asking very carefully: could it be it possible to
> allow abstractions to contain their own META tags (in case there's no help
> file)?  That would make things even easier (+ less files).
> Why not just keep it in the helpfile?  Its super easy to make help files,
> and its a good habit even for your own projects.  If we have to parse both
> abstractions and help files, that means a lot more parsing, making the
> system even slower.
> .hc
As Matju pointed out, abstractions' help file is canvas-help.pd. Other
things to advocate my suggestion:
- Patches themselves are parsed anyway, CPU will only be needed to look up
the META elements.
- The overwhelming majority of abstractions is self-documented at the moment
(also because of the before mentioned canvas-help functionality).
So I could still imagine this logic:
- If the object is an abstraction, its parsed content gets searched for META
elements first.
- If no META stuff found, *maybe* myabstaction-help.pd is checked if exists
(and then parsed etc.).

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