
v97 includes the following internals emulated (not feature complete but the 
basics work): comment, numberbox, numberbox2, sliders, toggle, bang, canvas.

The following special abstractions are also natively emulated on the device. 
You can find out more about these in droidparty-abstractions/_OVERVIEW.pd:

[wordbutton] - It's like a bang, but on the device it is a box with a word in 

[numberbox] - It's like a numberbox, but on the device it stretches to fit a 
rectangle. (better layout).

[taplist] - Lets the user tap through a list of symbols/floats to select one.

[touch] - Kaospad style 2d touch surface.

[menubang] - Puts an entry into the application menu which sends a bang when he 
user selects it. Optional icon is called menubang-xxxx.png where xxxx is the 
name of your menubang.

[loadsave] - Wraps an openpanel/savepanel type of interface into a single 
abstraction that lets the user specify or choose filenames on Android (works 
well with sssad).





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