Hi Alexandre,

On 28/09/2011 08:30, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
hmm, how exactly? didnt work over here :(

2011/9/28 Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca <mailto:ma...@artengine.ca>>

    Le 2011-09-28 à 03:07:00, Alexandre Torres Porres a écrit :

        Hi folks, is there a way around to have multiple audio inputs,
        like you can with MIDI? dont ask me why, but I need to use the
        computer line input and also an audio card.

    options -audiodev, -inchannels and -outchannels can take multiple
    comma-separated numbers. There's a button for enabling up to four
    soundcards and apparently you can save those settings too, but I
    have not tried.

As Mathieu pointed out you can have multiple audio inputs with both command line switches an within PD. It would help, though, if you explained what your set-up is, first of all the hardware and also the Operating System.


    | Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801
    <tel:%2B1.514.383.3801> ----- Montréal, QC

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