Hey folks

Maybe I'm out of touch here, or hypersensitive (I quit smoking far too
long ago for it to be that, but I can totally sympathize with those
for whom it's fresh - hell, I still miss it 15 years later)...

As I understand it, if there are complaints about the behaviour of a
specific member of the list, the first step is to approach the list
administrators. Is this correct?

And there are pretty widely accepted norms about language (I'm talking
about agressive langage and expletives here) on the list, too, even if
they're not written down, correct?

I took a bit of a break (about a year and a half) from regularly
reading the pd-list while I completed some schooling. Since getting
back to following the list, I've noticed a big change in the tone. I
have to agree with Alan Brooker:

> Overall, I think the tone of late has become too belligerent, lets get
> some good will together.

Had the mood on pd-list been like this when I started with Pd, I
probably wouldn't have stuck around. Instead, I found it an incredibly
supportive, open and generous community. That's one of Pd's strengths,
isn't it?


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