On Don, 2012-06-28 at 03:29 -0400, patrick wrote:
> hi,
> on ubuntu-studio 12.04 / 64bit i get this error when using readanysf~ in 
> pd (no problem compiling the external):
> readanysf~.pd_linux:
> undefined symbol: bgav_select_track
> readanysf~
> ... couldn't create
> i have installed:
> libgavl1 1.2.0-4
> libmerlin-avdec1 1.1.0

It seems to be a linking order problem. IOhannes already fixed it in the
Debian git repository, but I haven't had time (or was too lazy) to
notify upstream or push out a new package. 

This is the patch written by IOhannes, that needs to be applied to


Author: IOhannes m zmölnig
Description: get linking order right (objects/libs that depends on other
 should come before the dependencies)
--- pd-readanysf.orig/Makefile
+++ pd-readanysf/Makefile
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #PD_CXXFLAGS += -O1 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer \
 #    -Wall -W -Wshadow \
 #    -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
-PD_LDFLAGS =  -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread  -lgavl -lgmerlin_avdec 
+PD_LDFLAGS =  -L/usr/lib -lgmerlin_avdec -lgavl -lpthread
 # assume darwin here
 STRIP=strip -x
@@ -55,11 +55,12 @@
 all: $(TARGET)

 pd_linux: src/readanysf~.cpp  objs/FifoVideoFrames.o
objs/FifoAudioFrames.o objs/ReadMedia.o
-       g++  -shared  -o  readanysf~.pd_linux  $(PD_CXXFLAGS)
+       g++  -shared  -o  readanysf~.pd_linux  $(PD_CXXFLAGS) \
        src/readanysf~.cpp \
        objs/FifoAudioFrames.o \
        objs/FifoVideoFrames.o \
-       objs/ReadMedia.o 
+       objs/ReadMedia.o \
+       $(PD_LDFLAGS)
        $(STRIP) readanysf~.pd_linux

 pd_darwin: src/readanysf~.cpp  objs/FifoVideoFrames.o
objs/FifoAudioFrames.o objs/ReadMedia.o


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