Happy to learn that HISSTools are released now. Yes I'm certainly
interested in a port to Pd. It is very interesting stuff for sound
control in live performance situations. I am familiar with IR
measurement and minimum-phase filter construction (in C / Pd), so
reading and translating certain parts of the code should not give me
too much trouble. There's also a graphics class in the package, that's
not for me. It would be great if the port can be a collaboration
effort, HISSTools is quite an elaborate project.


On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Julian Brooks <jbee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> After the successful realisation of the [ipoke~] port that we recently 
> undertook I would like to ask if anyone would be up for some more?
> This time it would be porting the HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox.
> Some (cut & pasted) bumff:
> "HISSTools first release is a set of tools for working with convolution and 
> impulse responses in MaxMSP. This set of objects addresses various tasks, 
> including measuring impulse responses, spectral display from realtime data/ 
> buffers, and buffer-based convolution, deconvolution and inversion."
> About HISS here:
> http://www.thehiss.org/
> HISSTools 2012 ICMC paper and link to the Max d/l here:
> http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/14897/
> Some chat on the max-list:
> http://cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=42403
> Port is 3-clause-BSD.
> Last time was genuinely a fantastic example of collaborative working I 
> thought, and a great example of our FLOSS community in action (I'm sure 
> there's a paper in there for someone): good people with the appropriate 
> skills creating super-tight code without ego or conflict.  Ace.
> Big props to Matt Barber, Alex Harker, Charles (Chuck) Henry, P.A. Tremblay 
> and especially Katja Vetter.
> Really hope some of the above have the energy to get into this again but this 
> is an open call for anyone who has the time and interest in contributing to 
> make it happen.
> All good wishes,
> Julian

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