> you might want to see the messages sent by [qlist]
> the same as messages in msgboxes,
> where you don't have $0-expansion either

Bummer. anyway, this brings me to a different topic then. Why is there this
lack of expansion in messages?

I think I've raised this issue sometime ago. Sorry I don't remember what
the problem was, but I'd like to ask again if it's really really hard to
expand the functionality in messages, or if this could happen sometime soon
in Pd.

I believe there won't be any compatibility issues by expanding this
functionality. Old patches will still work and newer patches could be
simpler, right?


2014-04-01 4:31 GMT-03:00 IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 2014-03-31 23:54, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> > Hi there, I can't get messages from [qlist] to an object with "$0".
> > Is this really a problem?
> yes (at least: yes, i expect that to make problems; you might want to
> see the messages sent by [qlist] the same as messages in msgboxes,
> where you don't have $0-expansion either).
> however, it's fairly trivial to build a [qlist] from [textfile],
> [delay] and [s] where you can do whatever magic you'd like to do to
> the receive symbols.
> fgmasdr
> IOhannes
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> =/TRx
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