I compared the demos using SDL1 and SDL2 with SDL2_TTF support.
Results are very similar.  Ran the clipboard test in testcurs and it
works very nicely with SDL2 clipboard support.  The biggest design
issue I see is Unicode support.  Looking through the code, chtype is
set by default to handle 16 bits for the attributes and 16 bits for
the character.  On Windows systems, wchar_t is also limited to 16
bits.  The testcurs ACS test shows some internationalized characters
when PDC_WIDE is set true.  However, I don't see any code to handle
anything beyond the first 16 bits of a Unicode character set.  So, for
full Unicode support, one would at least need to modify the size of
chtype and deal with wchar_t representing UCS-2, UTF-16 or UTF-32,
etc. depending on the platform.  Also, on Windows (Win32), one can
input non-standard characters via the keyboard using Alt and the
keypad keys.  It would be nice to have a similar mechanism that works
with SDL.  It's difficult to determine when a user hits Alt and 0 on
the keypad whether they want back the keypad character on the key down
event or whether they want what the next series of key-presses
converts to in a Unicode representation.  That makes it difficult to
code a solution to inputting Unicode characters that suits every case.


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