Hi David,

  Some years ago by the time the 5N was just released, a well known
  and appreciated pdml member - Roberto Burgos (who unfortunately has
  left the group for some time now) conducted a formal test of the
  MZ-5N flash compensation under controlled conditions ( flashmeter,
  studio, camera loaded with film). He found out that the flash
  compensation was handled quite precisely, except for the -0.5 EV
  and +0.5 EV compensations where the flash output only changed with
  -30% and +30%. Also according to his observations, the compensation
  changes the ambient light exposure as well, except for the manual
  mode. His findings were later confirmed by others including myself
  (in a less scientific manner - guessing from slides ;o) ).
  Back to your tests, you seem to have scooped a significant change in
  compensation implementation between the MZ-5N and the MZ-S. While
  the MZ-5N compensation affects both flash output and ambient light
  exposure in auto modes (and this is a well established fact), the
  MZ-S applies compensation only to the flash. Well, this must be a
  great news for the MZ-S owners having long complained about the lack
  of dedicated flash compensation control, just as it was for the 5N
  owners finding out they can still do flash compensation with their
  old-style, minimal controls camera.
  As for Pentax not publishing the complete capabilities of their
  products, not to mention advertising them... well, this is a story
  just as old as this list. From the cultural fracture between the
  development and marketing departments to the plain idiocy of the
  Pentax marketing, it all have been beaten to death. With no change
  from Pentax part.  :o(
  Servus, Alin

David wrote:

DW> Max, I just today got an e-mail from the Pentax corporation confirming my 
DW> observations--they said that the camera assumed the flash is the primary 
DW> light source and the one the photographer would want to be able to 
DW> adjust--and I think they are right, I just don't understand why they would 
DW> leave this out of there manuals.  I tested this by putting my cameras (both 
DW> the MZ-S and ZX5-N) on a tripod and attatching and unattatching the flash 
DW> unit while moving the exposure compensation dial.  The data imprinting from 
DW> the MZ-S on a roll of flash lit portraits also confirms that the apperature 
DW> and shutter were not altered despite changing the exposure compensation dial 
DW> in program mode.  I tried all 3 automatic modes, as well, with the same 
DW> result.  This is great--I have control of my fill flash ratios with any 
DW> flash on the camera, even the pop-up!  Why does nobody seem to know this?  
DW> It seems important if you use a flash and have a pentax?

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