----- Original Message -----
From: Christian Skofteland
Subject: Re: Re[2]: 35mm vs 8x10 macro

> William;
> I'm trying to learn studio lighting for extreme
magnifications.  What kind
> of lighting did you use?  Did you use a TTL meter or did you
meter with a
> hand-held?  If you used an external meter, how did you
calculate exposure?

Hi Chris:
The lighting was from a single quartz halogen yard light with a
reflector across from it for fill.
That was metered using an ambient meter, and applying bellows
extension factors and a guestimate reciprocity factor. The
resulting negative was about a stop underexposed, so somewhere
along the way I goofed on the math. I may have forgotten to take
the 80A filter into account.

If you are using studio strobe, a quick, easy and perfectly
accurate way to determine the amount of extra exposure you need
to account for bellows draw is to take a meter reading off a
gray card using the cameras built in meter with the lens alone
set to infinity, then make the same reading with the bellows
mounted at the picture taking extension and see how many stops
difference there is.
Apply that factor to your flash reading and life should be good.

William Robb

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