David Brooks wrote:
Hi all.
On the advice of out darkroom instructor(he's a Kodak man)i promised i would try a roll of Tmax 3200 if he would try a roll of Delta 3200
(the first time he saw anything from the film was a roll i shot and developed in class.I think he liked it<g>)I just picked up a roll and noticed the inside of the box only had times for 3200,nothing else.
If i shoot this at this weekends indoor horse show and its cloudy,i'll need to shoot at 6400.
Can it be pushed to 6400 or am i stuck at 3200.
I'm pretty sure I've seen developing instructions for the film at 6400.
Check Kodak's website for the PDF on the film, and check www.digitalblasphemy.com too. Be warned that is is fairly contrasty and grainy at 3200, so it'll be even more so at 6400.

I still have a roll of it kicking around that I should shoot at some point...

BTW my K1000 does not go up to 6400,only 3200.If i shoot underexposed 1 stop and develop for 6400 is this the same as setting camera at 6400??
Yup, that'll get you shooting at an effective ISO 6400.

BTW#2.Local 1 hour guy now sells Tmax AND Tri X 400.Tried a roll of Tri-X for candid flash shots at this weekends wedding.He says its less contrasty than Tmax.Any comments.I quess i'll find out soon enough eh:)
I shoot both regularly. The Tri-X is less contrasty than the TMax. It's got significantly more grain with the same developer (I usually use D-76 diluted 1:1). But it seems to produce smoother midtones, and the prints I make from it tend to look warmer than from TMax. TMax tends to have a somewhat "clinical" look to it. Reminds me of pictures from my old Encylopedia Britannica...


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