On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 06:35  PM, William Robb wrote:

The NASA Space Shuttle Columbia appears to have broken up on re-entry this
morning. The pictures I've seen are eerily similar to the Challenger
disaster we've all seen too many times.
This was the first space flight for an Israeli Astronaut.

God Speed Columbia
Astronauts are among the last true heroes that the human race produces.
Losing seven people with the courage to strap on a rocket ship is an
incredible tragedy.

God Speed to those seven souls.

William Robb

Me, too.

The fact that we, as a species, are the only complex organism on Earth to have colonized every continent and virtually all major islands is extraordinary, but the fact that we are the only species to dream and achieve the means to leave our planet, however briefly and however dearly, is incredible.

I salute their ability, their courage, and their sacrifice. They are the best of us.

Dan Scott

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