> MC> Last month's cold snap brought some really nice snow to west Michigan, and
> MC> the opportunity for more snow crystal photography.  I just updated my
> MC> website with 30 new snow crystal photographs.  These were shot with an
> MC> Mz-S, AF360 flash,  various extension tubes, bellows, and either a reverse
> MC> mounted SMC-M 50 f1.7 or SMC-M 50 f4 Macro.  All shots were at 4 - 8 x
> MC> lifesized.
> MC> If you are interested take a look at this link:
> MC> http://www.markcassino.com
> MC> The monthly feature photo is the best of the lot (IMO) and there's a link
> MC> to the other shots from it.

Mark Cassino,
Are you aware that there's a children's book out now about an early pioneer
of snowflake photography? I can't remember the name of the book/man, but I
know it's being widely read in public schools around here right now. Maybe
you could piggyback on that interest to get yourself some good publicity.


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