
Anytime there is an acquisition, changes are going to happen.
Philosophies between the companies.  Usually the Acquirer is more
money oriented (that's why they are doing the acquiring).  That will
always have an effect on how business is done in the future - Sales,
Marketing and Support can all be affected - usually for the worse.
Leastways that has been my experience.

If I were a Hasselblad user, I would be mildly concerned.


Monday, February 3, 2003, 11:06:03 AM, you wrote:

>> (god, its taken me like a half dozen tries to send this, I'm not sure when
>> I became this stupid, but it hurts...it hurts)
>> From rec.photo.equipment.medium-format
>> http://www.hasselblad.com/news/newsItem.asp?secId=224&itemId=2534&iShowYear=20
>> 03

MJ> Uh-oh, they used that businesspeak buzzword, "synergies"...could be trouble.

MJ> (Isn't that the word that Time Warner and AOL have made, er, "famous"?)

MJ> --Mike

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