> Jeepgirl.

Thanks, Tom, that's who I was thinking of.

> And the next relevant point to consider is how many of the said women
on the 
> list are married and therefore, indeed Pentax wives not just Pentax

Well, I'm married. But truth be told, the term "Pentax wife" sounds to
me like it's the wife of someone who's into Pentax. Kind of like
"football widow". Although I guess then such a person would be a "Pentax
widow" instead. 

In that case, I guess my husband is a Pentax widower, except that he
does like to go out and take pictures with me, so it's not like he's
staying home while I'm out photographering (his current pet camera is
his C*non Elph digital).

Ok, I've put way too much though into this topic. <VBG>


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