Thanks to everybody who answered my message about my old P30 camera. I´m new
in the forum, and I like it a lot. Some of you recommended me to get a
manual old Pentax Super Program (Super A here in Europe). Is the Super
better enough to get it even having the P30? I like manual SLR, so I would
go for one of them if it´s really worthy: there are some Super Program
bodies in eBay to bid for. So, can anybody tell me the differences between
both cameras? Maybe best the MZ-M (ZX-M)?
P.D.- Is the Super ME the same camera than the Super Program?

Super A is the most feature rich Pentax K mount body, and it is the best on paper. However, as Pentax have proven time and again, no camera should be too perfect. So they installed a few things to balance things out.
1) Dim & coarse focus screen (worse then P50).
2) Relatively low viewfinder magnification in its era.
3) Noise mirror/shutter (worse than P50, don't even touch the Motor Drive A).
4) Too much vibration from the mirror/shutter (worse than P50).

However, it is the only manual focus camera with 4 expoure modes - manual, auto, aperture priority & shutter priority. It is also the only one with TTL flash beside the LX. This model is also quite reliable. Dirt self-timer & shutter release button contacts are common problem on used models, but they don't require new parts to fix. The area near the semi-transparent plastic on the top plate is the weak part so don't bang on it. IMHO, if you expect super sharp images handheld, get the ME Super or MX. The Super A will disappoint you due to the mirror flip. I don't recommend MZ-M due to its poor viewfinder.

Alan Chan

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