Ryan, could you provide more detail? I had the impression that the Tokina 28-80 was not an improvement over their 28-70. And that the Pentax was optically outstanding.




hi I owned the 28-70mm atx 2.6-2.8 and it is a very good lens. It is well made, optically quite good and stopped down to f8 no difference between it and 50mm. But its range is limited. So I sold it and bought the Pentax 24-90mm ($280US on ebay) and a 50mm f1.4 (cost me $55)the pentax is a very good lens and is better in its flare suppression, colour rendition (more natural less coolness), sharper in the 28-35mm range than the tokina, takes smaller filters 67mm to 77mm, and has a better range.
However build quality is inferior and the lens gets larger as you zoom in. The tokina doesnt change sizes and has a better manual focus feel. Its manual focus rim is alot larger. I would look for 28-70mm atx pro or pentax 24-90mm rather than the ATX 28-80mm which has a lot of flare issues but is slightly sharper. My adivce is to go to a store and play around with all of them. Get the one that feels the best as optically there is not much between them.
wayne willis , April 21, 2003; 12:19 A.M. Eastern


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