On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 15:52:54 -0400, Andre Langevin wrote:

When I try to go to the site, it drops to this page:

> http://www.digitalfotonetz.de/style.css

Has it something to do with the way the site is done or with my computer? Can it be easuly fixed?

Nope, you've got the wrong URL. The .CSS file at that site simply defines the way the site will look on the screen. The actual content is at some different URL. Try dropping the "/style.css" part and see if that takes you where you want to go.


Yes it works if I take it out. But what I don't understand is that with some pages (and some can only be accessed with the complete URL) the URL automatically changes to get me on this unavailable and unwanted style page. I was wondering how I could defeat this or if I depnds on the architecture of the web page... and the fact that I use Netscape 4.79! I guess I should first of all upgrade to 7...


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