I don't believe anybody here thinks you ought to buy an istD. Or any other camera. None are perfect, and obviously you will be unhappy with an imperfect cameras.

For the rest of us, we live in the real world where hardly anything is perfect and are glad when something meets most of our desires. As I have said before, I have come to the conclusion that the istD was not designed to work with older lenses. It is just a happy coincidence that they work at all.

And I feel that is OK, not many companies care about people who collect their antique equipment even as much as Pentax does. One has to realize that if they cared they would still be providing parts and service for that equipment. Resenting it will not make a bit different, but it will make you very unhappy and the rest of us slightly unhappy because you are a nice guy and we are sad to see you tearing your heart out over a lost cause.

Me? I only wish I could afford the camera, but eventually the prices will be down where you don't have to be a member of the upper middle class to afford one like it.

Peter Alling wrote:
If I'm going to plunk down a couple Thousand dollars for a new body, I want one that works "correctly"
by my standards.
I don't want a company saying, "We know what you need, here it is, shut up and be happy." If that's
what you're willing to put up with so be it. It's not whining to demand what you want, it's consumerism.
If you don't complain no one will know you're not satisfied.


"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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