Exactly. It's not really sexist. It's not particularly offensive to
most. It's just lousy advertising. But isn't that what we might expect/
By the way, someone raised an ineresting point earlier. Pentax probably
made it on the cheap. You can bet it's a stock photo that cost them
about $500 at most. A goos shoot would go for about $10,000. You do the math.

Amita Guha wrote:
> I have to say I didn't find the ad all that offensive, but it doesn't
> say a thing about the camera. I showed it to my husband and at first
> glance he thought it was a lingerie ad.
> In general I don't get too steamed about this sort of thing, but I have
> to wonder about their strategy, if they have one. I mean, this is a
> $1700 piece of technology, not a sixpack of Budweiser...

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