Ryan Lee a écrit:
Salut Michel!

Yep that link's better. I just checked it out- I must say I don't understand
anything on that page, but for the record, the stuff you made looks really
neat. The clip for the flash looks metal though.. is it?
Yes it's an old full metal clip. There is no problem when using the flash as slave or P-TTL.
By "Power Tanslator":
To use a cordless flash slave it is necessary to use a steady support:
Trick: I achieved a support " multifunctions " while screwing a claw of recuperation flash on a tablet of PVC:
- to put: it maintains the horizontal flash put for example on a piece of furniture.
- fast fixing: under the tablet a profile of trapezoidal section compliant to my tripod (DIN 4503) built in several thickness of PVC counter glued.
- for standard tripod: a 1/4" hole in the thickness of the profile in V.
The clip is metallic, it is not necessary that contacts are isolated.


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