Mark Erickson wrote:

I was doing some still-life and macro shooting with my MZ-S this morning
with a couple of big lenses.  I wanted to do some aperture bracketing to
experiment with different depths of field, and I caught myself wishing that
my MZ-S had an aperture wheel!  Nutty, huh?

In particular, my A* 200/F4 macro lens only displays the aperture in the
viewfinder if the lens is set on A.  I can put the camera on Shutter
Priority and use the shutter dial on the MZ-S, but I have to do exposure
compensation via the exposure compensation dial, which is not easy to do
with your eye at the viewfinder....

That *ist D is looking more and more attractive with every passing day.
Must... Resist....


Resistance is futile..... You will be assimilated....



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