No need for anything custom here Stan. Manfrotto has already made it for you 
and it is relatively inexpensive. I don't know the exact item number but take 
a look on B&H and I'm sure you will find it...
PS. I suspect you are talking about the 300 A* F4...

This is a laggardly response Ken... I still have the 300mm and occasionally
think I really should do something about a lens-collar-mount. I bought the
lens from Peter P. in Colorado, he had had a custom built tripod mount for
it, but sold that separately. Is that the one you bought?

I have considered going to a local machinist, or into my own "workshop" and
making a simple L-shaped bracket that would attach to the camera, extend
forward and then up to support the lens from the bottom. A 1/4-20 hole
drilled in the bracket would allow me to mount it on a tripod... Does this
make sense? 


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