Hi, Collin,

By the time I heard about it, they'd cordonned off the area for a radius of about several blocks around the theatre. I don't think I could have convinced the cops that I was a member of the press, with my Minolta HiMatic F in hand, and all dressed up like a bike messenger! <vbg>

Apparently, there were some 14 or 15 people trapped under the rubble, initially. All but two got out, so far. One's dead, and they're still looking for another, last I heard. They think he/she's still alive, and they're snaking fibre optic devices into the rubble, where trained dogs have sniiffed what they seem to think is a person.

Several still in hospital, some injured seriously.

The theatre itself was being demolished; apparently those trapped were students in a language school in the adjacent building (like most downtown areas, the buildings were attached).


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Theater collapse
Date: Mon,  8 Dec 2003 16:08:23 -0500

You guys in Toronto taking pics of the theater for PUG?


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