I personally would not bother with these lenses.
Buy a bellows and some high quality 6 element enlarging
lenses ( Rodagons, Componons, etc) and you will
be jammin'.  Beauty part is these enlarging lenses
are dirt cheap used on ebay now due to the many people
abandoning conventional darkrooms......

FWIW, I am using 80mm, 105mm, and 135mm enlarging lenses
on a screwmount autobellows ( manual mode ) with great sucess
lately. I got all of these lenses for less than $80 each
on ebay in mint condition. Very cost effective approach....

$80. plus the cost of a bellows. A good achromatic close-up lens on eBay goes from $5 to $15. It does not take place in your bag, or your pocket! Depends on what want. I don't think Rebekah (from original query, see "Cheap macros") would like to go the bellows plus enlarging lens way.


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