That might be what they tell you...

That doesn't fit the pattern when everyone parrots the exact wording of
statements made by certain people, picking up the words like a mantra.
Then, when someone from another group makes a statement, everyone rushes
to use exactly the same words to spin what they said in an evil
direction.  Examine the politics of the media company and you'll
discover their purpose.  Of course, if it's your purpose too, they may
look completely honest to you.

 * There's no place like

> having just started working for a media company, i have found 
> out that there
> is a very restricted vocabulary and template that one has to fill when
> reporting the news. it doesn't matter how original the topic, 
> the template
> and vocabulary are mostly known ahead of time so that people 
> know where the
> important stuff is by its location and the words used to introduce it.
> Herb....

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