Can anyone recommend a reputable place for Pentax repair that could take a
look at my 35mm lens. There is some oil on the blades and the aperture
just does not seem as snappy as it should be. I live in the Twin Cities,
but am assuming I'll have to mail it somewhere for repair.

This is a pretty straight-forward job. I would send it to any reknown place that does not ask too much ($25-30). My repairman is across the border. Mailing to US place might be cheaper. One of the PDML member has a list of repair places. I could not find it on Google.

Ask the repairman to apply some "oil barrier" so that the lens won't give you the same problem again (common with the f2.8).

On another
note, any opinions as to preference of the 35mm f2.8 (A or M) over the
35mm f2? I have been thinking all along that this f2 of mine is so much
better that the f2.8, but don't really have any basis for thinking that.


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