Dario is right. I speculated that Asahi had planned this years before. When the K line was presented to the public in 1975, I think Asahi had already thought about an LX ("60") to be presented in 1980, the 60th anniversary of Asahi Optical.



I dunno. I got that off of AOHC's website... blame Dario... ;-)

Christian Skofteland

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andre Langevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:06 PM Subject: Re: unique K2

 They must have settled on this before the 1975 KX was launched.  The
 1980 LX was probably developped over a period of at least 5 years...


 >LX = 60 as in 60th anniversary of Asahi Optical
 >----- Original Message -----
 >From: "Andre Langevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >>  >I also wonder if "X" as in KX, ZX-M, etc, has been used in any
 >>  >nomenclature sense.  It could stand for "old fashioned", essentially.
 >>  >I'd argue for "mechanical" but for the ZX series.
 >>  Or X-cellent.  Or X as a "variable", thus cameras where the user's
 >>  input is needed.  But it's only true for the KX, MX and ZX-M...
> >> Andre

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