I wish my lens film combination were that good. The dam itself is actually curved, and the image is full frame. The fisheye only added the curve to the horizon. I unintentionally put a little of myself into that photo, the lower right hand corner of that shot is the railing on the bridge I was standing on. The lower right is my hand.

frank theriault wrote:

Hi, Peter,

I can't pull up the first one (I know I'm several days late with this), but from what I recall of the first one, I do like the second one much better.

Kind of kewl the way (what I assume is) a straight edge of a dam is now curved as if the water pours into a "bowl". It seems more coherent to my puny brain to process, and thus I can enjoy the other aspects of the scene.

The water in the resevoir above the dam looks to be glass smooth; I like the contrast against the falling water.

Cool shot! Thanks.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Peter J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PAW--FisheyeWaterFall Redux
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 03:45:49 -0500

Having taken a few suggestions I re-photographed my second PAW here it is along with the URL
of the first for anyone who might be interested.



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