PAW = Picture a Week:  List members can post photos made
with any gear for comments criticism or suggestions, or just
for fun.

WOW = Workshop of the Week: List members post photos that
they would like some editing help with, maybe Photoshop
adjustments, and so on.  Other listers make the adjustments,
noting what they did and how they did it, and the results
are available for all to see.

In both the PAW and the WOW there is generally a great
camaraderie, and all who participate or observe get to learn

shel belinkoff

> I'm fairly new to the list and was hoping I could get an explanation of the terms:
> PAW and WOW.
> I did not find terms on the PDML FAQ and hoped to 'get a clue' from the group.
> Thanks,
> Cedric Milan

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