----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Jolly"
Subject: Re: *ist-D and the wide angle lens dilmena

> It was in the 21st Feb issue of "Amateur Photographer" (UK), so I'm
> afraid there isn't a link to give you.
> They printed MTF graphs for five different focal lengths.  At 12mm,
> "resolution" (if you define it as the number of lppm that the lens
> resolve with a contrast of 0.5) was 27 lppm wide-open, and 30 lppm
> closed down two stops.
>  From the text of the review: "Corner-of-frame sharpness at 12mm
> full aperture (f4.5) is good on subject main features, with fine
> improving at three stops down to a very high standard."

For some reason, people seem to think that a really wide angle lens
should be (can be) as sharp as a normal or short telephoto macro
Thsi ain't the case, however, and the longer the lens flange to focal
plane distance is, the harder it is to get a good design. If the
Stigma is half assed good at 12mm, then they have done well.

William Robb

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