Is anyone using a hood for this lens? Any recommendations? I have been
using a shallow round hood, but it vignettes at the short end, even
retracted. Probably has to be round, as the front element rotates to

The Hoya multi-hood is the solution. There are two types, the easiest one to use has a red line around the front of the hood; it has no "flap". Other Hoya Multi-hoods and similar Hama Telematic hoods has a flapping front part. I could not find a photo, but you would need to unflap the front part to get it to its longest lenght. The "red line" has three positions but the second one is not exactly the same when you pull it or push it. Not a big deal... They are bought used on eBay for around $5. if you wait a bit. The flapping hoods may be fine also.

If the hood is a bit too long for the 28mm position, just cut out a few mm. Some sizes "start" at 28mm while others starts at 35mm.

I am considering buying this F lens as it has a good reputation. What is your experience with it?

On a slightly tangential note, what does the RH-A60 hood fit?



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