
The museum looks better than I remember it.  The car shots are great and show off the 
ability of the M20/4 to get the shot in tight spaces.

You really seem kind of partial to that red Cord.  <g>

If you were down in the gas light quarter, there is a classic car dealer right on the 
corner.  (about 5th and E street)  It's a great place to spend a half hour trying to 
figure out if you can afford that old classic and how would you get it home.  San 
Diego is a wonderful place!

Regards,  Bob S.

John Mustarde writes:

> I took the *istD to the San Diego Automotive Museum last weekend.
> Here's some shots.  It's a cool little place to visit.  They have a
> really neat one-off car called the Hunt Special, which was a
> hand-built equivalent of a Land Rover or HumVee in its day. 
> Most shots were taken with the M20/f4 set at f8. I also 
> shot some with the FA100/2.8. 
> Oh, the last pic shows me with my left-handed *istD.

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