frank theriault wrote:

Again, apologies for being so late commenting on this one. As I've mentioned before, I don't delete PAWs if I get behind (if I do, it's an accident), and I do try to comment on every one, eventually.

I was intrigued, looking at the subject line of this one for the last week or so. I wondered if it were a restored vintage photo or something. Now that I read the body of your post, Gonz, I do recall hearing of the play; sounds really interesting. Hopefully it will end up on the road and in Toronto some day. I don't know as much about him as I should, but I really admire his music, politics and life.

And, to find that you mention me in the same sentence as him is an (undeserved) honour. Funny, but my roomate made an offhand comment about me being like the "Miles Davis of photographers" - again undeserved - but I knew what she meant. I've thought that what I do is sort of like jazz - improvising and interpreting, but I like the Woody Guthrie thought about as much, because of the human element of it.

Anyway, thanks. And, as for mentioning me in the same breath as Shel, well, I'll talk to you later about ~that~ one! <vbg>

So, the photo (I figured I better get around to that <g>). Like it a lot. You really captured a moment there! Off kilter and all, he really looks like a teetering drunk on the top of a freight car (riding the rails has long been a fantasy of mine - one that will go unfulfilled I'm afraid). If I hadn't known it was a play, I'd have chastized you for the obvious photoshopping of the background <g>, but one way or the other, you're right, it looks cool. Comp is just wonderful, as is exposure.

Thanks for the comment. Honestly though, the background did really look like that! I was tempted to increase the contrast to make him completely silhoette, but it really looked artificial at that point. It was backlit and very saturated looking, my daughter did much of the lighting stagework for this play.

All in all, a terrific photograph, Gonz! Thanks for posting it and allowing me to ramble on a bit... <g>

BTW, are there any copyright issues that you know of? In other words, did you ask permission to take photos? I always ask, and more often than not, they say no (I always respect them). Once, an usher kept giving me the evil eye during intermission, because some jerk took a flash photo, and usher thought it was me (after he said "no"). I actually went up to him and told him it wasn't me, and showed him that I didn't have a flash, and I wouldn't have used one at a performance, but I don't think he believed me. I mean, why would I ask, and then not respect their wishes. Anyway, just curious if you asked.

They were fine with it, being college students and all. If I had space, I would put it on a web site to give them some exposure. Like you said though, they really hate flash photography, and will not let you in with a flash mounted on the camera.

cheers, frank

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Subject: PAW: Woody Guthrie
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 22:26:44 -0500

Well, not a pic of him.... But a pic of a play about him. For those who don't recognize the name, Woody Guthrie was a folk song composer that wrote songs about everyday life in small town America mainly during the depression, he is kind of a musical version of photographers like Shel & Frank, capturing special moments, but in music instead of pictures. Here is a nice bio:

and here is a pic of a very interesting scene in the play when he is supposed to be on top of a train inebriated. I liked the backdrop and the resultant silhouette:

Comments, critiques, OT discussion, etc., welcome.


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