On Fri, 23 Jul 2004, Kenneth Waller wrote:
> I've had my ist D for a few weeks & like using it.  However, I don't
> think I'll give up shooting slides any time soon.  I've pretty much
> kept things simple by going with the default settings.  I saw Tan's
> post where she talked about the settings for an imasge she posted
> and saw that she was shooting with contrats, saturation & sharpness
> settings all set to high.
> How many of you *istD shooters are not using these defaults and why?

I have been leaving them on the defaults since I'm shooting RAW.  All
of those things can be changed later easily and with no downsides by
using RAW.

> Also how many are setting custom white balance and not using the
> presets?  What's your process when you set the white balance?

I use custom white balance sometimes when I'm shooting inside and
won't be using raw.  I set it off of a white wall (I don't normally
carry a grey card around).

When I'm using RAW I leave it on auto white balance since this can
easily be changed later.

If you can afford the storage costs RAW is really the way to go.


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