On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Gonz wrote:
> Bruce Dayton wrote:
> > I have to say that I consider it great news.  Choosing to support full
> > frame, aperture ring and on top of that, picking some primes speaks
> > very positively.  These represent to me that they are looking beyond
> > the first time buyer and trying to provide for more serious photogs.
> >
> The aperture ring is puzzling.  Does this mean that they are going to
> make a digital body that supports the old aperture linkage again?  I
> tend to doubt if they did this to support old bodies, which are all
> film.  A DSLR with full backwards support would almost imply a super-D,
> not a baby-D.  Of course they may have also have gotten so much flak for
> not making the *istD fully compatible with older lenses that they did an
> about face.  We've already seen them try to alleviate that with the
> firmware fix that gives partial functionality back.

These aren't reduced image circle lenses, so they are also useable on
Pentax film cameras.  Since the MZ-S doesn't have body control of
aperture it makes sense to put an aperture ring back onto the lens.

I don't think that this changes any of Pentax's plans though.


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