mike wilson mused:
> Bob W wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > 
> >>Sorry to hear that.  Agreed about training.  Worst thing to
> >>happen here was revoking the law requiring dog licences.
> > 
> > 
> > too bloody right. They should have put the price up enough to pay for
> > the dogshit to be cleaned up and DNA-tested to identify the dog and its
> > owner, who could then be prosecuted under public health and general
> > nuisance regulations.
> > 
> And to cover basic dog-handling training, which you would have to pass 
> before you were allowed to take the animal home.
> And chipping, to go eith the DNA databank creation.
> About £250 per annum would be about right.  Per dog.

Oddly enough, there are parts of the world that seem to manage to have
an effective, efficient animal control system (rounding up strays, a
shelter where abandoned animals may be turned in, etc.), enforcement
of laws against animals defecating, all paid for by annual licensing
a lot less than that, even for un-neutered animals.

I believe the going rate around here nowadays is about $200 to get a
(chipped & neutered) animal from the pound, and maybe $20 or so a year
thereafter.  I don't know what the rate is for an un-neutered animal,
except that it's much more than for a neutered one. - at least 3X.

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