----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 6:10 PM

Subject: Re: Re: White Pitbull (an hommage to Elliott Erwitt)

Hell, it's even easier than that. They typically just need to exercise
what used to be called common sense. "Typically" meaning that the
dog's not already aroused, like defense or attack mode.

1) Don't approach a dog you don't know unless it's handler is present and both seem amenable to being approached.
2) Don't ever run from a dog.
3) If a dog is tied out on a chain, there is a good enough chance that it will be dangerous to not approach it, even if it's people are close by.
4) Let sleeping dogs lie, and lying dogs sleep.
5) Don't disturb a dog at it's mealtime.

William Robb

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