Bruce as nice a capture as it is I'm  looking at it and asking is that all 
there is? The shore lines from left, center & right lead my eyes out to sea and 
leave me there.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: PESO - 17 mile drive

Well, I have been very busy for the last month or so and have had
a hard time even trying to keep up with the list, let alone the

This past weekend my wife and I had to pick up our oldest daughter
from a band competition in Monterey, CA.  We took advantage of the
opportunity to visit Pinnacles National Monument (a first for us) and
a drive on 17 mile drive near Carmel.  I'll try to post some of the
pics of the trip over the next few days.

Here is the first - shot on *istD, DA 16-45, handheld.  As we got on
the 17 mile drive, it was late afternoon and the clouds were rolling
in.  This shot reflects the feelings of the time. Not dark, but
certainly not a sunny evening.

Comments welcome.


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